Monday, June 12, 2017

Chapter 55- Tampa Bay Crash Course of Injustice...(5)

09/01/2009- Present Day

Missy Elliot was the woman that B and her children were residing with. Even though B didn't pay rent neither was Missy. Missy dispised the fact that she had to take over the electric bill after Saul moved out, for that was the only bill Saul was helping her pay. Missy took her anger out on B and the kid's. God forbid Missy had to pay something.

Missy started abusing them by withholding entrance of their home, banging on their bedroom doors, scaring them in the middle of the night, threatening to throw things at them, and by putting B's children in time out using brut force. Just acting bizarre expressing unstable and very aggressive behavior towards the kid's and B. So B filed for an injunction for protection hoping that Missy would get the hint and leave them alone. B seems to think it worked for about a month.

Around the time B had started a new job, and on the day she was supposed to appear in court, B had been paying the trash bill from the moment they initially moved in. B gave Missy $150.00 at the beginning of August to shut her up, and replaced her old washer with a new washer putting over $300.00 into the home alone. On top of filling the house up with food on a monthly basis, and giving her rides to work everyday for the past two-three year's. B also cooked and fed the woman and cleaned the house on a daily basis. Can you believe this apparently didn't seem to be  enough for Missy? She accused B before a judge that B didn't pay her nothing and the judge wouldn't give B the opportunity to discredit Missy or prove otherwise. The sixth judicial circuit court instead discredited B completely over heresay, and manipulated lies when B clearly had witnesses, evidence, and proof that B was being conspired against.

Missy knew B had no support whatsoever from her husband besides the fact that he would watch the kid's while B worked full time. B's roomate and work hours wore B down to the point of exhaustion causing her seizures. Still Missy was coming at B for money while she was trying to support herself and two kids. B knew Missy had plenty of money because she was already collecting on two settlements from previous car accidents she was involved in. Why was Missy still coming after B and her kids then? Missy either had a personal vendetta due to B filing a restraining order against her, or she was conspiring with Saul.

At this point B decided that it was time to move back to MA. So she discussed her plan to leave with Missy.

Missy then told B,

Missy: "Well you have to give me the car then!"

Ok well B wasn't down with that idea so B told her,

B: I will be leaving Sunday.

This conversation occurred all on a Wednesday,

Missy: "Well your husband will not allow that, he'll hunt you down."

That was a threat, and if B had known then what she knows now she should have taken her children to the nearest domestic violence shelter that night, unfortunately B did not take her husband, his brother, his mother, his father, his mistress, and her roommate's threats seriously.

B came to the conclusion later that this was all a ploy to get her to stay in the State of Florida long enough to set her up.

On Thursday morning B pulled an all nighter for she had to appear in court the following day. Saul and Primo had both filed injunctions for protection against B claiming she was stalking them, when in fact she never hurt either of them. This was the first time that B had ever set foot in a courtroom before, or been accused of anything remotely criminal in all her life, so she didn't know what to expect. B was nervous and petrified.

Primo never showed and Saul was shunned out of the court room. B asked the Judge her rights as a parent, and if she was able to relocate out of state to keep her kid's safe.

The judge said, "I can't advise it, but yes you do have the right."

Then B said, "Thank you your honor."

B then saw this as her opportunity to move out as of Sunday 08/23/2015.

Earlier that morning B's baby, Jr., woke up early craving his momma's love because the seperation was already starting to have an effect on him, causing him anxiety. B gave Jr extra TLC and tended to him that morning 8/20/2015. She put him in his high chair and fed him breakfast.

At 5am Missy woke up with a nasty attitude demanding a ride to work. B expressed to Missy that she was getting ready for court and if she wanted to get to work on time Missy would then need to help get Jr ready.

Missy agreed and while B was in the shower Missy started to question her why she was in the shower. Missy became highly irrate at the time, in a fit of rage grabbed a two year old's face assaulting him and leaving marks that were not apparent at that moment for they were still fresh, but B heard him cry while she was getting out of the shower and wondering why he was screaming and witnessed Jr's reaction to the assault which caused him a lot of emotional distress.

B was aware that Jr. expressed himself defensively and she thought his behavior to be odd, for Jr had never exhibited this kind of behavior before. B did not know what to make of it right away because she was distracted and naked and had to get dressed. Jr couldn't speak well enough yet to tell B that Missy had hurt him. Missy was distracting B by fighting with her the whole time which didn't give B much of an opportunity to look very closely at her son.

The following day B had noticed the gash under his chin once she had layed Jr down to change his diaper. B said to her baby,

B: "Aww baby.
What happened to your chin?"

He pointed to it and in a very sad voice said,

Jr: "Missy,  boo boo."

B said: "Aww baby, Missy gave you that boo boo?"

B's baby just shook his head up and down. Then B knew,  that Missy's behavior, threats, and hand slapping all of a sudden made sense. Missy was trying to drive them away, even by force. B felt now that she should have punched the living daylights out of that woman, and took off with her boy's to a safe place, but instead B trusted that justice would have prevailed.

When B had called the authorities to arrest her, of course Missy denied doing it. Once the child protective investigator Mark Meredith investigated, he formed a biased opinion against B believing the hearsay of three known felons over an emotionally distraught protective mother whom called the authorities thinking that they would have done their due diligence by protecting her and her kid's.

At this point a lot of false allegations were being made about the mother and CPI could have looked into them and seen that there were no findings against the mother, case solved, non criminal.

If the investigator had done a background check on Missy he would have seen that she had already had a felony for biting her ex-husbands nose off right in front of thier 6 yr. old in 2002 through the Clearwater PD. Since then Missy has had a restraining order from being near her own kid, but had the CPI really done his job he would have known that and not have listened so intently to this manipulative abuser who was painting the mother to look like an abusive suspect. B found out by doing her own investigation after the incident and found out that Missy was a legitimate psycho female. Had B known prior she would have never left Missy alone with her boy's ever.

After this CPI did them no justice B became really skeptical towards the authorities. Never again would she trust them to do right by her children. B had wished that she did not have so much faith in the law at that time, or made the sorry pleas for help in trust to the department of children and families.

Now B sometimes wishes she had taken matters into her own hands instead and decked that bitch when she hurt her baby. Perhaps this would have turned out differently and the judges would have saw that B was justified in doing so by protecting her baby. Then again maybe B would be locked up now if she had taken a stand since everything seemed to be half assed backwards concerning child protective services. The system put in place to protect them unfortunately was broken.

Report Date: 08/21/2015

Upon arrival I spoke with complainant BEA SANCHEZ who advised she thinks her roommate, MISSY ELLIOT
scratched her youngest son JR. Bea advised yesterday (08/20/2015) morning at approximately 0540 hours she woke up to take a shower and drive Missy to work.

Bea advised Missy was rushing her along as she was running late for work and needed to be there at 0600 hours and Bea had gotten into the shower at 0540 hours. Bea advised while she was trying to hurry and get dressed as she had court on this day as well, Bea advised she asked Missy to help get  JR. dressed so that way they could leave sooner.
Bea advised she was in the bathroom getting ready and heard Jr. crying, but did not think anything of it. Bea advised she came out of the bathroom and she helped Missy trying to put pants on JR., but then got frustrated and threw them on the floor leaving JR. in a t-shirt and diaper.

Bea advised she took Missy to work and that JR. was still crying and yelling while Missy was putting him in the car.

Bea advised she did not think anything of it and just continued to take Missy to work and went about her day.
Bea advised she started her day today and just before calling law enforcement she noticed a small scratch on the right side of William's face and observed a small mark underneath his chin as well.
Bea stated she thinks Missy grabbed Jr. by the face yesterday and this is why he was crying and screaming in the morning before they left the house.

Bea advised she did not see Missy do this and just thinks she did as Missy was complaining about having her help take care of JR. and his older brother Pat when the incident occurred. She has been complaining about Bea not helping out with the bills.

Bea advised she is currently going through a divorce and believes Missy is taking the side of her soon to be ex-husband (NFI) and keeps telling Bea she needs to help with the bills. Bea advised her and Missy have been arguing a lot about money and the bills for the home.
Bea advised Pat was not at the location when this incident in the morning occurred and that only she, Missy and Jr. Were in the residence.

While I was at the home with Bea kept talking to Jr. and would point to her chin and was stating, "Missy, boo-boo"? While I was on scene JR. did not talk to me or state Missy or boo-boo and was shy , but did not shy away at all when I looked at the scratch/mark on his face or when I took picture's.

Bea wanted to show me a text message from Missy and stated that Missy was threatening her. The only text message Bea showed me from Missy stated, "I'm sorry", and then spoke about how Missy does not feel she should be the only one paying the bills for the house. There was no threatening text messages shown to me.

I relocated to 1500 S BELCHER RD, McDonald's, to speak with Missy.
Missy advised she woke up yesterday morning and had to be at work at 0600 hours. Missy advised she was waiting for Bea to get out of the shower and dressed as she was taking too long and getting "dolled up" for court even though court was later in the day
and she could've come home after dropping her off at work to get ready.
While waiting,

Missy advised Bea asked her to help get JR. dressed so they could leave sooner. Bea advised upon getting
JR. his clothes from his bedroom he was crying and throwing a temper tantrum and yelling "Mommy", which she advised JR. normally does. Missy stated she went into Bea' s room where JR. was laying on her bed and began to dress him. Missy advised JR. fought her to put his shirt on and then kept kicking his legs or kicking off the shorts Missy tried to put on him.

Missy advised Bea saw JR. kicking, screaming and crying and came in the room to assist Missy with putting on his shorts.

Missy advised Bea picked up JR. and held on to him while Missy tried to pull the shorts over his diaper. Missy advised JR. continued to kick and this is when she just dropped the shorts and stated to just leave him in the diaper and advised Missy stated she was running late for work and didn't understand why Bea was not rushing to get her to work which was causing
an argument between her and Bea.
Missy stated that Pat was not awake during this time and believes he was asleep in his room when she was leaving for work with Bea and JR.

Missy advised Bea is going through a divorce and that Bea thinks Missy is taking her ex-husband's side. Missy advised she is friends with both parties and is "taking the kids side" as she loves and cares for the children a lot and doesn't want them to get hurt
during this divorce. Missy stated that Bea has not been helping at all with the bills in the home and this has caused a lot of arguments in the home.

Missy advised she would never hurt either of the children and has never been physical with them and stated that when the boys need to be punished they are place into timeout. Missy advised she has not noticed the scratches or marks on JR. and if there are marks on his face she thinks he and Pat were playing too rough, or that JR. could've been hurt while playing with other children in the neighborhood.

At this time without an independent witness I am unable to show how JR. obtained the scratch on his cheek and mark under his chin.

Pictures of the marks/scratches were taken and attached to this report.
I contacted the Florida Abuse Hot line and spoke with operator (123) who advised a report would be taken for this incident.

I provided a business card and case number to both Bea and Missy for their records.

Disposition: Case Closed; Solved Non-Criminal.

B's thoughts: (I just noticed that the deputy left out a very important detail that I had mentioned. Missy left out the same detail because she was covering it up. When the assault occured she was taking my son out of his highchair. That is why I specifically put him in the highchair when the deputy took the pictures, so she could see that my baby could not get out of the highchair without assistance. She would have had to unlatch the tray which was impossible for my son to do. Why was this information not included in Missy's story? She was hiding the assault and skipped over that very crucial detail. Why didn't the officer question Missy about this? I don't know why Deputy Dinah Dougherty didn't include this vital information. Maybe she didn't really want to investigate or see it for what it was, an out of control abusive situation. All I know is the next time an officer takes my statement. I am going to record every last word to see how close the police report matches up to what is really said. Especially when it comes to CPS.)

Soon after the deputy left, the CPI knocked on the door. B had called him for thier protection, and told him what had happened to JR. B had not even finished when Missy arrived home, coming towards B confrontational, and pounding her fist aggressively on the table. The whole time B looked over at the CPI next to her and asked him,

B: "You saw that?"

The CPI just shook his head acknowledging, yet no where in his report does he even document it. Actually, just the opposite occurs. In the CPI report he praises Missy making her look like a saint and B an erratic parent. As soon as Missy saw JR. she opened her arms, and In a fake ass tone says,

Missy: "Hi JR."

Missy wrapped her fat arms around him and B's first reaction was to grab Jr away  and tell her,

B: "Get your hands off my baby!"

NEVER again did B want Missy near her boys. B then took her child into his bedroom, and put him in his highchair to keep him away from her.

She then asked Pat and his other two friends to watch JR. while she talked to the investigator. The children really wanted to share their observations of Missy's violent behavior because they witnessed it. Although by the time B returned Missy had already had the CPI tied around her little pinky finger and having him form a biased opinion against B. The CPI never bothered to take B's complete statement or hear the 12yr old, 10yr old, and 9yr old's eyewitness encounter of Missy's erratic episode's.

When B tried to speak with Mark to finish what she had initially started telling him, he then scolded her and made her leave the room so he could privately have an hour conversation about her with the alleged abuser. This is when B realized that they were not going to be protected. She than started to have a panic attack realizing that her environment would never be safe or stable again. She was very upset. She started crying and telling the CPI how she really felt about him, even going to the extent of telling him that she was more capable of doing his job better than he ever could. She meant every single word and did not hold back any feelings.

This was a big mistake, one should never insult law enforcement, or show emotions. B did it all. Not only was she being attacked, but her innocent little kid's were being attacked also, and B now knew she was out numbered. She needed to make a decision about her kid's safety and fast. CPI suggested she call their father to come get them and she had agreed under one stipulation, that she could have them back on Sunday because Pat started back to
elementary school.

B should have never agreed with this CPI. She should have stuck with her instincts by not seperating, and went with her kid's someplace else.

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