Saturday, December 17, 2016

Chapter 13 - Hello?


I was old enough now to go on my own and get some answers to all the questions I had about my father. Like what his real name was and where to find him. I asked Brie and she put it bluntly that I should leave well enough alone. He now may be shacked up with a girl named Bea somewhere out in California.

At a family function one night somebody approached me asking me if I was Ed's daughter. They said I looked like him and confirmed his whereabouts and that I could find him out in Long Beach. So I did a U.S. search and sure enough I got a match out in Long Beach, California. I headed out there to see what I could sniff out. As I walked up to the apartment I got so nervous thinking about what I was gonna say. My palms got all sweaty and I almost chickened out. As I approached the door I saw an eviction notice with Fred's name on it. I looked through the windows and the apartment appeared to be empty. I was too late, and I left a letter and came to the conclusion that he was a runner who is always running away from his responsibilities and that he must not want to be found.

I started working out in L.A. pursuing my dream to become an actress. I went to many auditions, and started working at a disco place. I wasn't taking off my clothes, but the job seemed even more degrading because it was run by Iraqi people, but I needed the money to get back to MA where I was from. A terrible accident happened back home. My ten year old cousin and two other children were ejected out of the hatchback of an SUV and died because they were not wearing their seat belts. My nana also found out she was diagnosed with colon cancer. I sensed my family needed me, so I headed back to MASS. Brie moved on quick she got married, divorced, and married again by now. She was always changing. I never knew who she was going to be next.

I decided to go back to school to become a teacher, and take care of my nana. It was great, like we were two peas in a pod again. I helped her with her dressings and wounds and she made me breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Every morning we ate our oatmeal and cinnamon raisin toast bread with extra butter and a cup of tea, I remember it like it was yesterday. I miss that. I started working at a place called the Green Street Bar N' Grill. When I was a kid I used to walk by it everyday and admire the musicians that would play and I fell in love with jazz from the moment I was introduced to it, and I said to myself when I got older I would work there. Sure enough I did.

Today I walked in with my chin held high and walked out as a cocktail waitress. So I went to school, worked full-time as a daycare teacher, and part time as a cocktail waitress and cared for my nana. I kept busy, I was a young twenty-four, so I could handle that sort of thing. I had Ed's mom that lived in the same building as my nana, but she would just avoid me. One day I met Ed's sister Aunt Dee who was a lesbian, who straight out said to me, "Leave my mother alone. She don't want nothing to do with you or Ed." I told Aunt Dee, "Listen, I don't even know the guy, but that is fine."

Chapter 12- DIABLO


Right before Christmas season Saul was expecting his first child too, at the age of Twenty-Two and it was kind of unexpected. He had a little girl named Johana, she really was his pride and joy.

His babies mama Kim was a heavy set girl, she wore glasses and was milado, A mixture of caucasion and black. Papa didn't except her and made it impossible for Saul to fall in love with Kim.

Actually, between Saul's parents there really was no women that could measure up to the pedestal they put their two sons on. They fed both their son's with so much machismo it was even hard for Saul and Primo to measure up to their own parents expectations.

Saul tried to make them proud but he held his heart on his sleave in hopes that he may one day meet the right one. He worked day in and day out just like his papa did. One dark, cold, and lonely night Saul walked in on Kim and his best friend were going at "It" in his bed that he paid for, and that was the bottom line. Saul ripped her off of him throwing her up against the wall leaving bruises up and down her back and decked his boy in the face breaking a window, and putting several holes in the wall. Saul blacked out in a fit of rage totaling and dismantling everything.

The landlord had to sue Saul for all the damages to the apartment and was banned from entering the premises with a restraining order to not step 500ft from Kim or Johana, $5000 debt left in repairs, legal fee's, anger management classes and he lost his license in-defiantly for being a habitual offender. Yet Saul acted as if he didn't seem to care. Actually he bragged about being the dirtiest player in the game. He thought he was that WWF wrestler Nature Boy Rick Flair...Woot!

But he was really Diablo incarnate.

Chapter 11 - Bad Primo

October 11, 1999

Primo became quite a hood rat when he met his teen years. He still had the same complexion and his hair was long. The only thing that changed was his style and outlook on life, and bad ass attitude.

Primo was the age of fifteen now. He wore his Nike air Jordan’s with the laces inside and tongue out, His Kango hat and baggy jeans below his butt. He really didn’t give a shit what anyone thought, for he will do what he wants. He had no responsibilities and he tried to keep it that way. Sometimes, he thought it was his responsibility to pick a fight with anyone and everyone who looked at him funny. Saul was the same way too. Primo decided to drop out high school and shack up with Lu Lu.

Lu Lu was a pretty Italian girl about 6ft. tall with heels on, brunette with long bone straight hair. Primo considered her; his and he made sure by getting Lu Lu pregnant. So at fifteen years of age Lu Lu and Primo were expecting and as soon as Primo found out he was ecstatic. He immediately went shopping started buying things. Then nine months later his oldest daughter Noel was born. Then several months later Lu Lu was pregnant again and another nine months Later Primo’s oldest son Desi was born. (Cry baby)

Two little rug rats both in the care of two teenagers was a bit disorientating it was up to them to set a good example, but how could they when they were just children themselves? They tried but it was just too stressful so Primo turned to drinking. See this was the example Primo’s father “Papa” set for him, so he figured this is how one copes with stress. This drinking was definitely not a healthy choice and he really wasn’t a nice drinker either, he was downright violent.

One night when they were trying to get the kids down to bed, Lu Lu and Primo got into a heated discussion. Lu Lu was breastfeeding the baby and giving Primo heat about looking for a job and supporting his kids. Times were stressful and Primo felt he needed another drink to block out his responsibilities and Lu Lu was up in his grill. He pushed her with the baby in her arms and then Lu Lu put the baby down and flipped a lid on Primo, in his defense he did the same, and she called the cops.

Needless to say, Primo spent quite a few months in jail. When he got out he tried to rekindle his relationship with Lu Lu but she had already moved on without him, met somebody else, and refused to let him see his kid’s unless he paid child support.

Of course Primo wasn’t the type of guy to EVER pay child support. He would rather work under the table, spend all his money on luxury items, drugs, and booze and party his life away and say; “Fuck that bitch, pen déjà, I don’t give a fuck about you.” So he turned his back on his two kids and ex-babies mama, JUST LIKE THAT! What a jerk. OR, did they push him away enough times to never attempt again over the fear of being rejected again and again?

Thursday, December 15, 2016

Chapter 10- Expecting Another


My MA started getting cozy with Nick. She worked as a bartender off of Cambridge street and Nick owned it. That is how I first met Papa. I would sit at a table and do my homework while my MA worked. Now my MA was pregnant with my little sister Ashleigh, and I was so excited not to be the only child. Soon I will have someone to play with.

Today was my birthday. We moved again to Handcock St. near Harvard Square,Cambridge. Next to it across the street was a park, and that is where we had my party. My MA used the monkey bars to hang the pinata so all my friends could take a crack at it with a broomstick. I was lucky to hit it hard enough and crack it open and all the candy fell out. My friends scrambled to pick up as many pieces as they could.

I had a special bear named 'Country Bear' that I always dragged around with me. My friends were picking on me because now I was 11 years old and still carrying around a teddy bear, but it was my comfort item and made me feel not so alone. I really loved that bear. Michael came to my party and played a cruel joke on me by playing keep away with my bear. I got really angry at him and hit him. Then I got in trouble and my MA took my bear away.


My MA was eight months pregnant now. We went to Cape Cod to go visit Nick. When we arrived my MA told me to stay in the car, but I followed her anyways. When my MA knocked on the door a woman answered it. My MA asked her, "May I speak with Nick?", the woman said, "He's not here. Who are you?" "I'm Brie, the mother of his baby." The woman retorted, "Well I'm his wife!"

The dialogue grew heavy and the woman became very irrate with my MA to the extent that she assaulted her in the stomach almost making my MA lose my baby sister. My MA had to be taken by ambulance and I was left with a strange man I never met before that reminded me of Nick because he smelled stinky and sounded funny too. While I was sitting next to him he put his hand on my leg which creeped me out. So I ran upstairs and called my Auntie Kay. She advised me to go back to the car and lock the door to protect myself from the man. So that is what I did. When he came to the door knocking on the window I didn't let him in. I just fell back to sleep until my mom came back from the hospital. Thank God.


My nana and I were preparing my mom for her hospital stay. My MA was already in labor with Ashleigh. She needed her things because it was kinda unexpected the way her water broke. Nana and I went up to Mt. Auburn Hospital. My nana asked me to wait inside the waiting room because she didn't want me to see my mommy in pain, but I heard her though. My baby sister was born on 8-31-1989, 8 lbz. 9 oz. at 7pm.

I was happy to finally hold my baby sister.