Just to clarify the situation, up until the point I lost custody of my boys; I am going to give you another recap of how it went down exactly. This is what happened.
On 8/23/15 my children were removed from my home and placed with my husband and his paramour, under CPI Mark Meredith's direction. He advised me that my home was unsafe due to the allegations that were being investigated towards Missy. CPI also informed me that he was involved in another case with Mi Mi and that he had already conducted drug and background checks on the both Saul and MiMi prior. MiMi, the paramour's soon to be ex husband, Juliano, also confirmed that he was being falsely accused by his wife and my husband right around the same time I was being targeted. This presented quite a conflict with the CPI and should have raised a red flag to him, but his carelessness proved that he had no intentions of doing his due diligent service for he was on his way out to retirement.
The morning of 8/20/15, Missy was very irate because she wanted me to take her to work. She was harassing me about money even though I had already given her $150.00 cash at the beginning of the month, and paid over $200.00 on a washer by Rent A King.
I had not slept all that night because I was anxious about appearing in court that morning, for my husband had placed an injunction on me for domestic violence when I never even touched him. He was making false reports to intimidate me and keep me in the State of Florida. Missy told him about my plan to go back home to Boston. I was thinking about leaving the state because he was conspiring with people to continuously abuse and harass me. At this time I was weighing out my options to see what was feasible. The injunction was denied because there was no evidence of violence. There was also a hearing at the same time and day for an injunction of protection for stalking on me by my husbands brother, Primo Sanchez, but he did not show up so it was dropped. They wasted the court's time that day, but it should have raised a red flag to the CPI that I, Bea Sanchez, was a target.
My youngest son Jr. woke up at 4:00am looking for his momma that morning. I had been sleeping with him quite often, for my husband and I had recently separated. Jr had been displaying a lot of seperation anxiety, so all I needed to do was console him.
I decided to place my son into his high chair and proceeded to feed him breakfast around 4:50am. Missy woke up around 5am and was also getting her breakfast, so I saw this as an opportunity to take a shower because I needed to appear in court at 8am. I figured I could get there early and talk to someone from the Haven. A legal advocate from RCS was to give me legal advice about the domestic abuse my husband inflicted on us over the year's, and I needed advice as to how I should go about addressing it to the Judge in court.
As I was in the shower I could hear Missy complaining, so I made it clear to her that if she was afraid of being late to work perhaps she should help me get ready quickly by getting Jr dressed. As I was putting my clothes on she came into my room cussing and telling me,
Missy:"Why you getting all dolled up? You don't need to be anywhere."
B repied: "Yes! Don't you remember that I have court with Saul today?"
MISSY huffs and puff's and start's yelling from the kitchen and as she was tending to my child I heard him scream a blood curdling cry that alarmed me, and as I turned the corner seconds later I saw my son trying to get out of Missy's grasp by kicking and flailing his arms. He seemed scared of her.
B asked: "What's wrong?"
I then immediately removed my son from her grasp trying to comfort him. She continued to curse, trying to put on his shorts while I was holding him. As she had done so my child tried to kick her away, because she hurt him not even a minute ago taking him out of his high chair and that is why he was kicking her away, as to defend himself. Missy then proceeded to throw the shorts down on the floor in a huff saying,
MISSY: "Fuck this, let's go!"
She then grabbed Jr by his arm very aggressively to the car where she forcefully threw his body into his car seat and tried to restrain him while my child continued to defend himself and screamed. I told her,
B:"Stop! I will put him in."
As I fastened him in, I could see Jr sadly pointing to his chin. At the time I was not yet aware that Missy had hurt him that bad, Missy was too busy distracting me with all her bitching.
I was not aware yet because where the wound was located under Jr's chin it was not visible, but the way they both acted that morning it was clear that Jr was physically and emotionally distraught.
Missy continued to repeatedly harass us the rest of the day and night. Slapping her hands close to my face like she was going to assault me and threaten me physical harm. She stated,
Missy: "They are not my responsibility!"
Her behavior that day seemed very odd to me at this time because she never had a problem before, this just wasn't making sense to me, why all the fuss? Then I said,
B: "Well it is not my responsibility to take you to work every day. You have been sitting on that settlement money in your bank account for over a year and your about to get another settlement very soon, yet you have been sponging off of me to give you rides for three year's, harassing me for money when I just gave you $150.00 on the 1st of the month, though you are not even the rightful owner of this home, expecting me to cook and clean up after you, after you eat my food, and you have the audacity to harass me about giving you more? After I replaced the washer you broke? You know I just separated from my husband, lost my job recently, and have two kids to support. How dare you! I will be moving out by the end of the month, don't you worry about it."
Above is a picture of all the reflective false allegations MiMi pinned against me, trying to say I stalked her so she could get me to leave the premises. Talk about unstable mental state, if anything she was the mentally unstable one who did all these things, then turned around and said I did it. Everything I highlighted were the very same behavior's she acted out towards us. Have you ever heard of the expression, here's calling the kettle black? That was Missy the Boheeva flipping her story to make me look bad in front of a judge.
Sadly, I am not very good at defending myself in a court of law. Especially, when so many people have already formed a biased opinion of me due to conspiracy. After this point in my life I seriously stopped trusting people, not because I was crazy. No, I finally saw how wicked people can truly be, and how easily we can end up with a target on our backs due to lie's and deceit. For the first time in my life I fell victim to being a target. I learned who my real friends and family were. Now that I have enemy's; how am I to defend myself? I never had to do so before, go to court when I never been committed of a crime in all my life. How was I supposed to do this? BTW the courtroom shows on TV are nothing like the real deal.
Missy sent me a text message that I still have on my phone soon after this altercation on 8/20/2015@ 6:39am stating:
Missy: "I'm sorry. I just can't continue to pay for everything and you not help. I'm not asking you to pay that much. Your not even offering to contribute to the bill's. - Missy"
Now I thought about this deeply. Missy never has apologized to anyone in the past, not once verbally, and now she has through text. She must have felt guilty about something she has deliberately done. No one just apologizes for no reason, especially this woman.
Then later that evening while I was making dinner for my children, Zane called me. We were old friends from high school and he needed a roommate and I told him I was moving out, but it was also probable that he may move in and be the resolution needed to help Missy pay the bill's. At this time I also had my son's friend over, Simon, who wanted to sleep over. I was like the cool mom in the neighborhood who would allow the neighbor's kids to sleep over often, and I would have no problem feeding and interacting with them. All their parents trusted me explicitly with their children.
I was usually more than willing to take them in because I was happy to see that Pat finally had some friends. We would go for bike rides, and Jr would sleep in my bed while Pat had his bunk buddies over. This gave Pat space to watch movies and play video game's with his friends. Jr would try and mingle with the boys, but he was so much younger than them that the boys would yell to me that he was annoying them. I was fine with excluding Jr at that point, because when that occured him and I were able to spend quality time together. We had our little ritual. I would put Jr in his highchair with an activity as he watched me cook and frequently would give him a snack.
Missy arrived home at 9:30 pm while I was on the phone with Zane and cooking dinner. I told her Zane would like to speak with her, and then she laid it into me,
Missy: "You have to get a job! You need to stop being a lazy bitch that don't want to work or contribute to the bill's." I told her,
B: "I don't see you cooking and cleaning or putting food in the fridge, so I am contributing. I don't have childcare, and I can't drive right now because of my Nuerologist's recommendation. I am not willing to put my children at risk." She states,
Missy: "Well then you are just going to have to give ME the car then." I responded,
B: "Hell no! I don't have to give you shit. I am leaving Sunday and that's that."
Missy proceeded to get up in my face intimidating me, which made me cry while I was on the phone with my friend.
She scared my children that my oldest son felt he needed to get in the middle to de-escalate the situation, and Simon got scared as well. Missy advised Simon to go home by himself in the middle of the night because she noticed the look of terror on his face. She yelled at him,
Missy:"Go home then!"
She continued to be a bully and intimidate me by picking up an object making it appear like she was going to throw it at me in front of my children, and blocking me from serving dinner to my kids. I actually let my children eat in their room, as to avoid her aggressive misconduct. I barely ate my dinner. I was up until midnight in my bed crying and avoiding her, trying to figure out how I should go about protecting myself and children from this boheeva.
The next morning, while my son was lying down on my bed so I could change his diaper, I noticed this huge gouge under his chin. I said to him,
B: "Oh my, baby! What is that on your chin?"
He pointed to his chin and he said in a sad voice,
JR: "Missy boo boo."
I thought about the previous morning, then started putting 2/2 together, and I looked more closely at his face. I noticed two long scratches both on either side of his cheek.
See Missy is notorious for getting manicures with long acrylic nails, those could very easily leave a scratch of this nature if she grabs hard enough, and this woman was known to be rough for sure. The scratch on the left was faint, but the scratch on the right cheek was more evident, which concluded my theory that Missy did grab Jr's face the other morning, and really hurt my baby when she had removed him from his high chair in a fit of rage. That's why he screamed and reacted the way he did. That explains their weird behavior that morning. With her bitching combined with her behavior only caused a diversion at the time for me to acknowledge that she actually assaulted my baby. My baby was only 2 year's old and his language was developmentally delayed. She knew he couldn't speak up for himself, so she took advantage of the situation.
I was highly concerned for my children's and I safety at this point. I immediately called the authorities. A Deputy appeared on the scene. She took pictures, and took my statement, and she told me she was going to go to Missy's work and question her. The deputy told me,
Deputy: "If she denies it there is not much I can do."
Report Date: 08/21/2015
On 08/21/2015 I was dispatched to 2881 CATHY LN in reference to a Child Protection investigation.
Upon arrival I spoke with complainant SANCHEZ, BEA who advised she thinks her roommate, MISSY
scratched her youngest son Jr.
Bea advised yesterday (08/20/2015) morning at approximately 0540 hours she woke up to take a shower and drive Missy to work.
Bea advised Missy was rushing her along as she was running late for work and needed to be there at 0600 hours and Bea had gotten into the shower at 0540 hours. Bea advised while she was trying to hurry and get dressed as she had court on this day as well, Bea advised she asked Missy to help get Jr dressed so that way they could leave sooner.
Bea advised she was in the bathroom getting ready and heard Jr crying, but did not think anything of it.
Bea advised she came out of the bathroom and saw Missy trying to put pants on Jr, but then got frustrated and threw them on the floor and left Jr in a t-shirt and diaper.
Bea advised she took Missy to work and Jr was still crying and yelling while Missy was putting him in the car.
Bea advised she did not think anything of it and just continued to take Missy to work and went about her day.
Bea advised she started her day today (08/22/2015) and just before calling law enforcement she noticed a small scratch on the right side of Jr's face and observed a small mark underneath his chin as well.
Bea stated she thinks Missy grabbed Jr by the face yesterday and this is why he was crying and screaming in the morning before they left the house.
Bea advised she did not see Missy do this and just thinks she did as she complains about having to
help take care of Jr and his older brother PAT and has been complaining about Bea not helping with the bills.
Bea advised she is currently going through a divorce and believes Missy is taking the side of her soon to be ex-husband (NFI) and keeps telling Bea she needs to help with the bills. Bea advised her and Missy have been arguing a lot about money and the bills for the home.
Bea advised that Pat was not at the location when this incident in the morning occurred and that only she Missy and Jr were in the residence.
While I was at the home with Bea kept talking to Jr and would point to her chin and was stating "Missy, boo-boo"?
While I was on scene Jr did not talk to me or say Missy or boo-boo and was shy, but did not shy away at all when I looked at scratch/mark on his face or when I took pictures.
Bea wanted to show me a text message from Missy and stated she Missy was threatening her.
The only text message Bea
showed me was Missy stated I'm sorry and then spoke about how Missy does not feel she should be the only one paying the bills was the house. There was no threatening text messages shown to me.
I relocated to McDonald's, to speak with Missy.
Missy advised she woke up yesterday morning and had to be at work at 0600 hours.
Missy advised she was waiting for Bea to get out of the shower and dressed as she was taking too long and getting "dolled up" for court even though court was later in the day
and she could've come home after dropping her off at work to get ready.
While waiting, Missy advised Bea asked her to help get Jr dressed so they could leave sooner. Bea advised upon getting Jr his clothes from his bedroom he was crying and throwing a temper tantrum and yelling "Mommy", which she advised he normally does. Missy stated she went into Bea' s room where Jr was laying on her bed and began to dress him. Missy advised Jr fought her to put his shirt on and then kept kicking his legs or kicking off the shorts Missy tried to put on him.
Missy advised Bea saw Jr kicking, screaming and crying and came in the room to assist Missy with putting on his shorts.
Missy advised Bea picked up Jr and held on to him while Missy tried to pull the shorts over his diaper.
Missy advised Jr continued to kick and this is when she just dropped the shorts and stated to just leave him in the diaper and shirt.
Missy stated she was running late for work and didn't understand why Bea was not rushing to get her to work which was causing
an argument between her and Bea.
Missy stated that Pat was not awake during this time and believes he was asleep in his room when she was leaving for work with
Bea and Jr.
Missy advised Bea is going through a divorce and that Bea thinks Missy is taking her ex-husband's side. Missy advised she is friends with both parties and is "taking the kids side" as she loves and cares for the children a lot and doesn't want them to get hurt
during this divorce. Missy stated that Bea has not been helping at all with the bills in the home and this has caused a lot of arguments in the home. Missy advised she would never hurt either of the children and has never been physical with them and stated that when the boys need to be punished they are place them into timeout. Missy advised she has not noticed the scratches or marks on Jr and if there
are marks on his face thinks he and Pat were playing to rough or that Jr could've been hurt while playing with other children in the neighborhood.
At this time without an independent witness I am unable to show how Jr obtained the scratch on his cheek and mark under his chin.
Exhibit pictures
Pictures of the marks/scratches were taken and attached to this report.
I contacted the Florida Abuse Hot line and spoke with operator (123) who advised a report would be taken for this incident.
I provided a business card and case number to both Bea and Missy for their records.
Disposition: Case Closed; Solved Non-Criminal.
Of course I knew she was going to deny it. Who would ever admit to assaulting a person? I also noticed that she skipped the part in the story when the incident occurred. So there are hole's in her story. Although the deputy did a fairly good job with her report she did leave out some pertinent detail's I had mentioned. Which I do not want to include just in case I have to subpeona her in court again. For I will when I have the opportunity to hire me a kick ass attorney. I called CPI Mark Meredith for he already was involved prior due to the false report made a couple weeks ago by Mi Mi.
I have finally been able to access the report made by Mark Meredith and his findings, even though I was told by CPI Mark Meredith that he would conduct a skin analysis to see if there were any traces of Jr's skin under Missy's nail's. CPI lied for this was never done. What happened was that there were no findings due to a nurse practitioner who determined nothing by just glancing over the scratches 4 days after the incident had occurred, and now the case was closed.
When I went to the Sheriffs office they told me otherwise, that the case is still open and with CPS. I followed up with CPS office and was denied access to the report. Why did CPI lie to the mother concerning her child? Does a mother not have a legal right to know what is being documented about her child? Had I known what was being documented I would have been more prepared to advocate for myself and my child. I just assumed that the child protective investigator was being paid to do right by protecting my child.
Had I known the truth, that the authorities are really careless and just desire an open shut case, regardless of circumstantial evidence that abuse is occurring to vulnerable children. I guess it is a lot easier to make it appear that a battered vulnerable woman is mentally unfit to be a good mother; than it is to catch an habitual child abuser red handed. Had I known that the authorities were going to be useless I would have kicked her ass myself, then I would have felt more justified in losing my beloved children. Now I can see why people have begun to take matter's into their own hands, because doing what is believed to be right, well nothing good comes of it. So we are damned either way.
If I was really mentally unfit don't you think I would have done something stupid by now to retaliate? It has been over two year's now and as painful as an experience this has been going through the motions and getting no resolution's or justice served. I know I have remained extremely steadfast and patient. Anyone else would have fallen off the deep end.
God would not give me anything i could not handle. The Lord has blessed me in every way, shape, and form and has promised me supreme justice amongst the devilish schemes of men towards the end. For thou shall not judge, mankind cannot hold a candle up to my father whom only carries the authority to judge us all.
You better repent all you evil sinner's that don't believe.......for towards the end you will be haunted by your very own vices you created and hurled at other's.
There will be not one person left, to hold or throw your burdens upon. You will find yourself some where all alone, unprotected, and left out in the cold. That's the bitter reality of injustice and what humankind has succumbed to.
All good will dissipate and evil shall remain, so you may remain stuck in your own ways and suffer in the very hell you all created. The sacred believers will carry on to a new land while the rest of remains decompose and perish in their own filth and shame. The cold hard truth shall not be admonished, but spoken like a true prophet. Never forget the part you played people. Repent now before it is too late, no one shall be left unscathed. Everybody is a sinner. Recognizing your flaws will humble yourself to let go of your ego and draw upon your greatest attributes.
On the afternoon of 8/21/2015, I called CPI Mark Meredith to my home to investigate Missy for the assault towards my baby and protect us. He came to my home, and sat at my table while I gave him my testimony of the incident that had occured. As I was in the middle of explaining my story, Missy walks in slamming the front door, and in a intimidating manner slams her fist down hard upon the table saying,
Missy: "Bitch! How dare you accuse me of harming your child!"
After she did this I looked over to Mark, guestioning if he just saw how she addressed me. He seemed startled himself, and just nodded his head yes, but said nothing.
I don't think Missy even knew who he was at first because Mark was sitting down with his back to the door, but I made it clear to him that Missy was way out of line. Then when she realized who he was her whole tone of voice changed.
Jr entered the room and Missy instantly applied her high pitched fake voice, like Ms Hannigan in the movie Annie,
Missy: "Hi Jr!"
She opened her arms so that he would come and embrace her. Of course my son being a niave 2 yr. old obliged. Then I intervened, trying to protect my son by pulling him away reminding him that Missy was now dangerous,
B: "Get your hands off my baby, don't you ever touch my kids again."
At this point Mark advised me to leave the room so he could talk to Missy alone. I told him,
B: "But I haven't even finished my statement."
He began to raise his voice demanding that I leave or he was going to call law enforcement. I was confused by his reaction and insulted him,
B: "I can do your job better than you, you are not even doing your due diligence by my children."
I was disgusted, confused, and it really bothered me that he did not even acknowledge my children and I first, considering that we were the victims of abuse.
At this time I had 4 children in Pat's bedroom waiting to be heard by this investigator. I swear to GOD that I didn't coach any of these children to defend us. They wanted to do what was right and shed some light as to all the incidents they had witnessed of Missy being abusive towards myself and other's.
Witness #1- Nimrim: was waiting to be heard. On 6/17/15, an incident had occurred. Nimrim was standing right next to me when Missy was harassing me in broad daylight in my own backyard. Elealeh, Nimrim's mother, witnessed this altercation with Missy. Missy was standing in the way of the sliding glass doorway blocking us from exiting my home and threw a wooden chair at me, almost hitting a nine year old child (Nimrim) standing next to me. Luckily, I caught the chair.
Witness #2-Simon: Was waiting to be heard. Simon was a 10 year old boy. On 8/20/15 another incident occurred putting Simon at harm when he was sent home by Missy in the middle of the night without supervision. He was scared and in fear for his life due to Missy's action's. I received a text message from his mother (Mary) that night, which I still have in my person under Pat's friend Simon, the next day Friday 8/21/15@ 8:38am, and I showed this to the CPI as evidence;
Mary: Not COOL, send my kid home at 10 o'clock at night all by himself.
Bea: I'm sorry I didn't know he left cuz Missy was up in my face last night. I got really emotional. Missy was being a big bully as usual. Simon got scared and left. I'm so sorry. Having hard times right now. We are probably moving very very soon.
Mary: Simon said that you guys made him leave and sent him home.
Bea: I tried to send him home earlier when it was daytime but he just stayed, and as it got later Missy came home. She started all this drama. I think Simon got scared and hid in Pat's room. When Pat went into his room to see if Simon wanted us to walk him home we realized that he already bolted.
(These message's occured early that morning. Simon came to my home while the CPI was in my home.)
7:23pm Mary: What is goin on over there?
7:26pm Bea: Child Protective Services was here and Simon was a witness. I found out Missy did send him home last night. I am sorry I would have never done that, but I am moving on Sunday.
Mary: Simon was a witness to what?
Bea: Missy came at me.
Mary: Wow! Why she so mad? Did she really drag Pat in his room and lock him in there? & scratch the baby's face? I just got some detail's from Simon.
Replied 8/25/2015 @ 6:43pm after it had all spun out of control and I had time to internalize it.
Bea: Yup, all of that. Now CPS thinks I am the one who is crazy and says I am an unfit mother. Cause Missy and Saul are claiming I am. Which I am not, they are just trying to make me look bad cuz their bullies. I am just trying to protect my kids.
I actually filed another injunction for protection on Missy and we were to appear in court on 9/4/15@ 9am on 49th St. In front of Judge Pierce. Two days prior to the hearing I was served a counter stalking injunction from Missy, even though I never stalked this woman at all, I was just tryin to protect my family from her. It was quite the contrary, everything she accused me of she had done herself.
The morning on Friday 9/4/15 @ 9am I appeared in the wrong courtroom because Missy snuck into my bedroom in the middle of the night and ripped a testimony out of my friends notebook that she wrote about her, as well as some other evidence to back up my case against her. She was withholding evidence! Unfortunately, she was successful at hiding a lot of things. I didn't know she was not the rightful owner of the house we lived in until the day that the real home owner shut off all the utilities trying to get us to vacate. Missy was an impostor, she imposed herself as the landlord to connive her way into getting the water turned back on so she could live there rent free and collect from me. She had been residing in this home rent free for 3 years now and trying to collect money illegally while the rightful owner was undergoing foreclosure. I have several police reports of her falsely accusing me and overstepping her boundaries on several occasions harassing me for money when in fact I shouldn't have to owe because just like her we both were squatting.
My injunction was not heard though for I was sitting in the wrong courtroom because she stole my summons paperwork which made me to appear late to the right courtroom. I did have someone with me, Zehaniah, who was my witness to the repeat harassment and abuse that Missy inflicted upon us.
After Missy assaulted Jr on 8/20/15 I did overreact a bit, but I believe any loving parent should if they knew their child had been hurt by abuse. I thought I took the right course of action by calling the authorities, but now I am not so sure.
After this incident occured, I did a bit of my own investigative work. I found out Missy had a long criminal record of domestic violence, assault, battery, and felonies. So my burning question is, why would a CPI believe the testimony of a convicted felon who was reported of grabbing her own husbands head and bitting his nose off? Yet, he believes that I, on the other hand, am mentally unstable? Which this is proof that she is a face attacker. Instead of putting the allegations first and foremost of a non-criminal, overprotective, and loving mother. He took my children away from me due to speculation, hearsay from others, and his own biased opinion of me. This CPI was too incompetent to conduct a thorough investigation.
Due to his incompetence he tried to derail other deputies by talking them out of conducting a proper investigation themselves right down to the department who dismissed my case plan on behalf of my children's best interests and well being to this day.
He prevented us from fleeing together for our safety. Did nothing to persecute our abusers, on the contrary, instead CPI falsely persecuted the mother who was doing what was right and just.
Now I have not seen my babies for 740 days or spoken with them in 76 day's. This is not because I don't try, it is because CPI allowed our abuser to have permanent custody of my boys. My children are currently with a narcissistic controlling man that gets off on hurting people. I have always been my boys constant up until now. At the time we were seperated I was fixing to escape to CASA. Now my children are residing with our abuser, his paramour. and her three other kids putting them all in harms way, all because Mark Meredith believed all the lie's, deceit, and manipulation of a repeat offender.
All because investigators decided to ommit the facts from their reports and falsely persecute suspects to make their workload light. I guess it is so much easier to make a parent appear unfit then to actually catch an abuser red handed. As long as it is an open shut case right?
Who really cares if the kid's are safe? That's the big question.