09/01/2009- Present Day
The authorities were alerted, B had to make them aware of Missy and Saul's criminal records.
Why had Marc Meredith taken none of the allegations made by Bea towards her children's abusers seriously?
Reading the police reports and CPS reports after the incident has only proven B's theory. None of Bea's allegations were even in the report that the CPI wrote concerning the shelter petition to the judge, so how could they have been properly investigated if they were not even documented?
CPI filed an emergency shelter petition at the same time Bea had filed an injunction of protection for her two kids against these two who were getting away with abusing her children. By following with this act CPI obstructed the mother from protecting her children. The mother was trying to bring her children to a safe place, instead CPI obscured the violence and turned it around on the mother to make her appear incompetent. They tortured the mother with legal enforcement making sure she lost custody while hiding their own incompetence and had her children become dependents of the State of Florida. At the same time placing her children in temporary custody with their abuser, putting her children in even more danger.
Since the kids were placed in his care they have been showing signs of abuse, neglect, and developmental delays. The children's medical needs are not being met, and the mother is being withheld from any contact with her children against her will by her husband, Ekkerd Family Services, Lutheran Family Services, and the State of Florida.
The mother is now disabled due to the ongoing abuse from her past relationship, and has been suffering PTSD. This has been crippling Bea since their seperation. Bea's helpless efforts of trying to protect her children and getting no relief since June 2015 caused Bea's developmental chronic health conditions to get worse due to the mental anguish of the situation that resulted from domestic violence over the past 11 years to evolve and become even more debilitating.
It is not her mental health that prevents her from pushing forward, for instance her husband has made her out to be some basket case. If that had been the case, wouldn't she have given up and killed herself a long time ago? It has been her physical health that falls to the wayside every month when she has to figure out a way to afford and attain her healthcare. When she cannot. The results are chronic fatigue and syncope episodes.
Of course, DCF, the department of children and families, has refused to acknowledge that Bea has chronic medical health issues that have evolved due to abuse. This has encompassed neurological damage due to various violent traumatic brain injuries from excessive blows to the head from her abuser . As a result she has also experienced many grand mal seizures. The State of Florida will not even deem her as disabled, making it impossible to get the medical attention she deserves, or the medical attention her children deserve.
Bea is currently diagnosed with Epilepsy, Insomnia, Hypothyroidism, Depression, ADD and PTSD. Most victim's of Domestic Violence do suffer with Depression and PTSD, but it should not be used against them getting their kid's back in a court of law especially if it is being treated. In Bea's case she was being treated by her Nuerologist and PCP for the past 3 years before this incident even occured. Her psychologists for the past 11 years had prescribed her the same dose of drugs for ten years and never did she have a problem until all the domestic violence caught up to her.
During the trial Bea was being wrongfully persecuted for acting out of sorts in front of a CPI after her child was assaulted. Excuse me, is there really a proper way to act after somebody has left a mark on your kid? Maybe Bea should have decked the bitch, then perhaps Bea would feel more justified in losing them, but she didn't. No, instead she paced back and forth trying to keep her composure. Even after Bea's kid's were removed from her home she still lived with the woman who assaulted her child and never layed a finger on her. That in itself takes a lot of gumption and will power and say's a lot about Bea's as a person. Bea even prepared herself in self defense at Grady's MMA gym because the Boheeva was making threats and false reports to the cops against B continuously. Bea kept her cool. Bea tolerated a lot of bullshit, but she was no sucka, she knew when she was being played. She knew she had to do the right thing. Low and behold when people think they have B down for the count she comes back even stronger, but she tries to avoid confrontation if at all cost.
A urine analysis by the CPI proved that Bea was not taking any illegal substances. CPI stated Bea was on no meds when in fact Bea was on her prescribed meds. He did a urine, not a blood. Is this CPI a chemist too? Bea was clean, but he is searching for a way to falsely incriminate her because he has already formed a biased opinion against her and has deemed her as unstable due to speculation. Now it seems as if he is going out of his way to frame Bea. To tell the judge that Bea has a mental illness because of her odd behavior, which in legal terms is a fancy term called gregarious misconduct. Ok Marc Meridith so your a psychologists now? When did you get your degree to evaluate people and diagnose them with a mental illness?
CPI, Mark Meridith, sat on the stand during my trail and claimed that he used to be an ENT, and in his field he often brought patients into the ER with BiPolar Disorder and they were prescribed Lamictal.
Bea really wished she was elected as a pro se litigant instead of being represented by the stupid court appointed attorney Sara Mc Lane, who totally dismissed all of her allegations of child abuse during this trial and brought absolutely nothing up to the judge, Patricia Moore, and did not represent her for shit.
For if Bea had the chance to cross interrogate this CPI, Mark Meredith, she would have regained her power in the court room that day, but instead she slumped in her chair wallowing in self pity knowing she was helpless because not a single individual in that courtroom chose to do their due diligence and expose the truth.
If Bea could do it all over again this is what she would have asked him,
"Mr. Meridith have you ever read what Lamictal treats people for?"
(It was quite obvious that he had not a clue.)
B was aware of the law now, so she would have already presented a reputable source of medical information prior to the hearing as exhibit A, then explained to the court that it was a medical document from the pharmacy that prescribed Bea Lamictal explaining the drug and what it is used for. Then she would have made him read it out loud to the court.
Then Bea would have rebuttled with this statement. " See, Mark Meridith was right about one thing, Lamictal has been proven to treat people with Bi-Polar disorder in many mental health facilities, but it is a drug that has multiple use's as well. Lamictal is a mood stabilizer that helps people with PTSD, Depression, Anxiety, and also an anti-convulsant that help's those that have seizures."
Then B would have asked, "Mr. Meridith are you aware of which Dr. Prescribes Bea this medicine?"
(Which of course he must not have known.)
"Well is it not your job to investigate this before making assumptions? If you would have done your due diligence you would have discovered the truth. When Bea handed over the bottle of Lamictal to you that you asked her for, which is a indirect violation of her privacy by the way. If you would have properly investigated you would have noticed that Dr. Obi Okonkwo Onuigbo was her Nuerologist, which in fact is treating Bea with this drug for her seizures. That Bea in fact does not have Bi Polar Disorder like you assumed, and in fact has never been diagnosed with a mental illness in her whole entire life. So you speculated and assumed all of this? The gregarious misconduct you witnessed was a retaliation of her witnessing you not doing your due diligence, once again, by the safety of her children."
Unfortunately no judge ever allowed Bea an opportunity to rebuttal any of witnesses.
Bea still can't believe this man was a Child Protective Investigator! She made sure before she left the courtroom that day that she had the last word.
She told him, "Thank You for ruining me and my children's lives."
His speculation and lack of due diligence had cost her two whole year's without her children. All will be damned if she ended up burying one of her kid's before herself due to one man's incompetence and the vile system that backed him up even after they discovered he was wrong. Bea wanted to reopen this case and make sure Mark Meridith was held accountable for her children's well being, for it was his decision to place them with an abuser. As well as Judge Patricia Moore, Eric Zaccardi, Sara McLane, Sara E. Miller, Michelle Forester, and Mrs. Ennis. All of you should be held accountable under the Vulnerable Person's Act. Bea sincerely prays it will never have to come down to one of her children dying due to their lack of justice and neglect.
That was the last time B saw Mark Meridith because soon after he suposedly retired. Ain't that some shit? So, does that mean that they get away with it? After the trial the State District Attorney Mrs. Ennis said, "Well hopefully we can all start moving forward and put this all behind us." For the life of B she can't get that women's vile smirk out of her head. It haunts her in her nightmare's. Mrs Ennis was a wicked evil midget lady that probably gets off on ruining innocent peoples lives.
During the trial when I brought up the fact that I was grieving over the loss of my nana, they all started laughing, even my attorney. Only hurtful devious people would find that humerous. They thought it was an act that I was suffering and to this day I still suffer even worse because my kids are not with me. They fed off my pain and misery, and tried to turn it into a joke. When in fact what I had survived with was very real, and was the worst pain and torture I would not even wish upon my worst enemy.
Does it really seem that far fetched that this narcissistic and vindictive man that comes off as being smug and almighty is not abusive? Bea thought that would have seemed obvious. Is it just that much easier for them to assume that B was lying then actually doing their job properly and catching him in the act? Is there really no justice in the justice system?
I mean since Bea's children have been in his care as of August 20th 2015 her youngest has almost drowned at the bottom of a swimming pool, was pushed off the top of a bunk bed splitting his lip, has suffered two TBI that she is aware of, suffered second degree burns on his hands, has had rashes going up to his neck, lice, chronic congestive upper and lower respiratory breathing problems, is lactose intolerant and being forced to drink regular milk, still not completely potty trained at the age of four, developmentally delayed and missed out on VPK, Early Head Start, and speech therapy, and hasn't had a follow up with his ENT since his surgical procedure. Both of Bea's children's medical needs are being neglected. They are not getting their annual health check up's with their PCP since they left Bea's care, no gaestroentologist, or dentist visits in the past two years.
Bea's children were not taken to the hospital for any of the incidents that had occurred due to trauma. Both children need to be given help and therapy due to neglect, abuse, and being seperated from their mother without any reason or explanation.
Bea's oldest child since August 22, 2015 has witnessed all this being done to his brother trying to protect him.
Her son has been uprooted three times and has gone to four different schools.
Is supposed to be on an IEP because he has a learning disability that he was being treated for until Bea's husband just stopped taking him to his psychologists and getting his meds.
Her son has not been going to see any of his specialist like his cardiologist, orthopedists, allergist, and he has a receeding gum line that needs preventative care with braces.
This father wouldn't even bother to take his own son for his annual check up and is past due for his 10 year immunizations.
Bea's son was supposed to be reevaluated as gifted so he could be granted special educational service's through the magnet schools. Now he is barely passing.
Bea's husband threw it in B's son's face repeatedly that he was not his biological father, and when B's son finally retaliated and threw a glass of water in his face B's husband took him out into the middle of the street and beat him senseless. Then this man had the audacity to call B's mother and told her,"Come get your fucking grandson. I don't want him." Bea's son talked to his grandmother on the phone and she asked him if he was hurt and B's son said, "He hurt inside" B's mom called B and we immediately called the cops. By the time the cops arrived B's husband already coerced her son into playing his video games and not say a word. Bea's son has not been taken to the hospital for any of the incidents that have occurred due to trauma or sought therapy due to the neglect, abuse, or seperation from his mother .
Bea's son was complaining about a headache for over a month and was rushed to the ER when it got so severe, they had to undergo emergency brain surgery due to neglect of his health need's. The mother was never consulted or informed and to this day has not been able to get access to her son's health record's or inform this doctor about his past medical health history. She would have informed the doctor that brain cancer run's on her side of the family, he is in desperate need of his immunizations, he is fatally allergic to immunoglobulin E, and had tubes in her ears when he was a baby, and a bacterial infection in his left eye that often caused headaches due to black mold. Then after the surgery two weeks lator she got a picture from her husband of her son in the hospital with a big slice in his head. Bea's son recorded a Youtube video all by himself in the hospital alone apologizing to his fan club explaining why he hadn't posted in so long. He looked so sad all alone, when he didn't have to be. She wanted to be there for her son, but was not even given a choice. B kept thinking how he could have died. She just cried wanting to be by his side, all she could do was cry by herself without him and upset with grief.
BEA monologue:
(Why have you covered up ALL the abuse and neglect? Why people? That's all I wanna know. Is it that hard to catch him in the act? Look at all the things that happen to them on a daily basis.
My husband is an alcoholic. He is an habitual offender. He drinks and drives, sometimes with the kid's in the car. Every holiday he acts out and becomes reckless and is a danger to himself and others. He keeps people against their will by taking their car key's, intimidation, blocking them with weapons, or locking them in their rooms.
He is constantly leaving my children home alone and acting like he don't care about them. He neglects their medical, educational, emotional, and financial need's. He has tried to turn my kid's against their mom, and is trying to brainwash us into believing we don't love eachother. When in fact we miss the heck out of one another.
I know what you are all thinking.... That this is just another desperate attempt for a mother to lie through her teeth to get her children back. I have already been told by DCF that I won't get my children back if I keep making false reports, that they will go into foster care. I would much rather my kid's be in foster care then end up disabled like me.
I am more afraid of nobody believing me and him doing something bad to them again and getting away with it repeatedly then anything else.
I am speaking up.
I'm not afraid of him anymore finally I have worked up the gumption to speak up. This is what a good mom battling domestic violence looks like. Please don't turn your backs on me. Support me. Praise me. Honor my courage. Don't kick us when we are down Justice....
Now I am petrified for my kid's sake, please somebody do something.
I know this may seem far fetched and nobody in their right mind would go to this many lengths to be so cruel to their family, but my husband has. I was afraid to say it before, he harrassed and threatened us for 11 years. I just grew a spine finally. I am not afraid of him no more. I know he is not in his right mind, he need's help. My children need help too. They need to be away from him. They need to feel safe, secure, and loved. My husband is good at pretending and fooling people that he is able to provide such things. He will not without love. He has a fucked up way of showing love, but it is really not love that he is showing at all. What that is called is Envy and abuse. No child should have to be subjected to it. To learn how to really love and support takes time, compassion, and patience.
Bea and her children's National Human Rights are being violated as you read this. They are STILL being neglected and abused, and she is still being dismissed. Nothing is being resolved and the more this carries on without resolution the increase of her worries of her children ending up disabled, dead, or abducted.
She has gone above and beyond to prove to the Department with Children and Families that her children are suffering the same traumatic brain injuries that she is, and that they are not safe, but CPS does not take any of her allegations seriously even though she has medical reports proving that her youngest is experiencing developmental delays and is not seeking the special service's that she has gone through many lengths to establish since he was born.
Bea's eldest son's medical need's have been neglected to the point that he had an ongoing migrane for over a month that put him in the hospital undergoing emergency brain surgery due to several violent traumatic brain injuries.
Ekkerd Community Services and/or Lutheran Family Services interceded Bea's court ordered supervised weekly visits just to help hide their incompetence and neglect of the father in order to have an open and shut case.
When Bea reports to the Florida Abuse Hotline CPS just cover it up and tell the judge that she is making false reports, when in fact Bea is making them in good faith and wants to provide proof like pictures, voicemails, emails, witnesses and text messages.
- CPS did not do their due diligence by this family to properly investigating her allegations that were made in good faith. Not once did an investigator come and show interest in the proof she had or interrogated her witness's. In reports words were being omitted, crucial reports of abuse and neglect were being covered up to make their job light.
DCF terminated Bea's Medicare so she has been unable to stay on her court ordered treatment plan, which she has been religiously following for the past three year's due to her chronic health conditions.
Why is CPI planting evidence and putting words in other people's mouths, and writing lie's on a shelter hearing petition?
Why are court appointed attorneys not stepping up and rightfully representing this falsely accused mother that has never harmed no one a day in her life?
Why does she not have custody of her two handsome boy's? Why?
If we all had Parental Civil Rights like we should and they were enforced then none of this would be happening.
The Parental Civil Rights Movement is currently uprising and trying to implement laws to protect families that DCF, CPS, and civil judicial family law court appointed attorney's and judges have currently been violating families civil rights due to corruption in this false system. Authorities not doing their due diligence and lack thereof in the proper protocol of domestic violence victim's and insincerity of the vulnerable person's act.
You can't take a child away from their mother just because they are medically disabled. The parent is still capable of showing love to their child always, but what happens if one of the parents alienates the child from the other parent? Where does all that love go? Not to the child and you see that's where the system gets broken down and does not look at the childs best interest.
All the current system in place is doing, is breaking these poor babies hearts by keeping them away from their momma.
This is unjust! You put on orders by the judge that the goal is reunification. Yet, not even the department follows your order's. Most of them are not carried out because it is a faulty system that takes advantage of a disabled person, and kicks them when they are already down and will keep setting them up for failure when they are trying their damned hardest. This is what we call oppression amongst our government on the people.
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