Monday, May 29, 2017

Chapter 52- Neglect

09/01/2009- Present Day        

The Florida Health Department (FHD)- Healthy Families went to B's home to work with her and the baby. She also utilized the pregnancy center and fulfilled the whole 7 week course so she could be the best mom she could possibly be. Martha from Suncoast came to her home bi-weekly for grief counseling before and after she had Jr.

Pat and B attended Directions For Living, for their mental health, because of the abuse they suffered by Saul. B tried to help her husband seek mental health as well, but he was in denial due to substance abuse and financial hardships.

The Collumns at Allens Creek kept raising their rent, due to constant late payments, the Sanchez just couldn't catch up and struggled to remain financially stable. They both could not hold down a job because they had moved to the state of Florida during the time of a recession causing a lot of mental stress in their relationship. What the Collumns of Allens Creek did was put them in a situation to become homeless, resulting in an eviction.

A friend of B's had extra room and she let them move in until they were able to get on their feet. B attended Vocational Rehabilitation to help place her in a job, due to B's disability all her recent employers in Florida discriminated against her, and were not willing to make any accommodations to help her remain employed.

B: These employer's would set me up for failure which resulted in my termination. This would then upset my husband, causing a rift in our relationship. My husband began cheating on me, drinking excessively, abusing me and the kid's.

Saul's behavior ended up escalating which then resulted in him DUI with a suspended license and becoming an habitual offender. Saul ended up getting incarcerated on several occasions, putting the Sanchez in further debt. Then he would blame B for not being supportive of their family.

When the Sanchez moved into 2881 Cathy Ln. Clearwater FL 33760, their roomate Missy Elliot expected  the rent to be paid to her. Lator the Sanchez came to find out that she was not the rightful owner, and was posing herself as one illegally, she was squatting in the home. So the Sanchez saw this as an opportunity to save money and buy their own home.

B did some research on tax lien certificates, and found it to be a good outlet to make a sound investment, and attain a home free and clear. She went onto Diane Nelson's Tax collectors website, and saw a property she liked that had delinquent tax liens from 2013. B put $1000 down on what she believed to be a tax lien certificate, on November 9th 2014. B waited a month to receive that tax lien certificate, and felt proud to be contributing to the community and doing her due diligence.

Going into the year 2015 B felt confident that she made a good investment, and that their luck was going to change. B came to find out instead that she was duped by Diane Nelson's the Tax Collector. They told her she had paid somebody's past due taxes in error and explained to her the process on how to get her money back. B did as she was told, but then told her she was not entitled to get her money back due to the time frame in which the property was sold. She felt violated due to the result's of this processing error which was misleading her into losing her investment, leaving their family once again in financial hardship.

Tax season was right around the corner, and Saul and B developed a savings plan to put down on a home. Saul's drinking was out of control, and his aggressive behavior was spiraling. He assaulted B and the kid's repeatedly, causing them emotional distress and negligent to their well being. B's youngest is now developmentally delayed and her oldest, at the age of six, told Directions For Living that he wanted to go to heaven by getting beaten to death.

In March 2015, Saul got a passport for their two year old, and the $10,000 which was being saved for a home, and left for Nicaragua, his home country and spent it all on 05/09/2015-05/30/2015. When Saul came back B stood up to him finally, after 11 years, and told him.

B: I am done putting up with your lies and manipulation Saul. This is financial, emotional, mental, and physical abuse that you have inflicted on us over the years.

At this time we were still living in the home that was in the process of foreclosing and he abandoned the two kids and I with no marital or child support. When I went to DOR to apply for child support in June 2015, the DOR refused us support, explaining that there was a DOR case already established in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. Which was true for my first child was born there in 2007, before we were married, my husband payed child support while we resided in MA, and he resided in FL. He convinced B to move to Florida by promising that they would buy a house and get married.

B: I think he only married me so he wouldn't have to pay the State of MA child support. After we did marry he was quick to prove it and get that money back into taxes he owed. By this time, in 2015, I was seriously considering moving back to MA so I could support my children on my own. I felt bad though because my children were getting the education and services they so desperately deserved. It seemed like such a shame to deprive them of the security and resources that had taken me years to establish, or the fact that the man they had always known as their father resided here in Florida. Even if he was an abuser I could still monitor his behavior around them, so I decided to stick around, and try to make it work.

B absolutely regreted making this decision because what transpired next was a living nightmare, and she honestly never imagined in her wildest dream's this would ever happen to her kid's and they ended up as victims of a broken judicial system.

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