Saturday, March 11, 2017

Chapter 29- Jr.


The day finally arrived that my doctor had scheduled for me to give labor. I delivered at Countryside Hospital in Palm Harbor FL. My mom, Aunt Mary, Saul, Pat, and Primo were there.

My Aunt Mary consoled me as they did the epidural procedure. I was so nervous. I always heard these horror stories of how some women would end up paralyzed due to the malfunctioning of this procedure. Honestly, I felt as if my epidural did not work because I kept pressing that button to administer the medicine into my spine, but it didn't seem to numb the pain at all. Unfortunately  I felt every inch of pain during my labor.

I made sure Saul sat by my side and held my hand the whole time. I squeezed his hand so hard. As soon as he had a chance to look between my legs he just about vomited and almost past out. My mom totally isolated herself away from me by the computer, which I couldn't understand. At one point Primo came in with Pat, but I quickly told them to get out because I didn't want to freak out my boy. I was like, "Hello I am the one in labor here shouldn't I be the one passing out by now?" But I was working hard pushing and thank you Jesus for making this a decently quick labor. Hallelujah!

My whole experience at Countryside hospital was great, except for the nurse that helped my doctor deliver the baby. She had acrylic nails on and hurt me when checking to see if the baby was crowning, and she left a pretty deep scar on my baby's head doing it too. I was very upset that she made me get a catheter. It felt extremely uncomfortable. Our Dr. was excellent, he took good care of Jr.

We named him after Saul. Salomon Sanchez Jr. I really didn't want to, but Saul insisted. So we called the baby Jr. Or baby. To me he was just precious. He was my little bundle of joy.

I breast fed him and the minute we brought him home from the hospital Progressive Energy decided to shut off our electricity and stick us with a $1000 electric bill in the middle of January with a newborn baby because of what they claimed was a malfunctioning device.

During this time we could not afford to pay it, for a few weeks we had to stay with our in laws. During this transition black mold grew rampart in our apartment in the meantime due to no ventilation and this caused us all to get really sick. The apartment complex, The Collumns, was negligent on fixing the issue entirely and kept hiking up our rent making it impossible for us to afford to live there or be able to afford another place.

Then the corrupt electric company screwed over a bunch of people in the community and changed their name over to Duke Energy, and that was ok with our govenor, Rick Scott. See how Florida does dirty business to people and gets away with it? When people are struggling that's just wrong. There should be unions here that will protect the people from being taken advantage of by such companies in each state. How convenient that they pull this shit on us right around tax season. 

Oppression of the middle class families, leading us into poverty, making us sick, and monopolizing on our pain. Dire times, sinister measure's.  

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