Friday, November 3, 2017

CHAPTER 64- The first post of the PCRM Blog.

March 26, 2016

To instill hope in rebuilding the family infrastructure..........

This was B'onnie's 1st post ever written in the Parental Civil Rights Movement Blog.

To instill hope in rebuilding the family infrastructure for the American people.

"Let us think about each other and help each other to show love and do good deeds."
            Hebrews 10:24

Should we implement the law for families after, before, or during a seperation?

In order to cope with coexistence through living in seperate quarters, but having the rights to being in public arenas for the children's sake; on holidays, extra curriculum activities, and school events, unless of course a restraining order is put in place?

I need everyone elses input on this.

Then Moses said to the people,

"Remember this day in which you came out of Egypt, out of the house of slavery, for by a strong hand the LORD brought you out from this place. No leavened bread shall be eaten."
                         Exodus- 13:3

EXODUS- Bob Marley
movement of the people


  1. Still no feedback or comments and it has literally been 4 years since I wrote this. No parents seem to care?

  2. The only reason why I wrote this with so much passion at the time was because I knew deep down in my heart that the bond that I had worked so hard to establish with my children was crumbling under my feet due to the broken system that had no reunification plan in place. The sad part is that year's later after writing this all my biggest fears came to light. My relationship with my children has not been the same since. They resent me.
