Saturday, February 18, 2017

Chapter 26- Our Wedding Vows.


On the day of our wedding Saul and I were rushing down to the last minute. His family was supposed to meet us at our home but they never showed. Later that day we heard that their source of transportation had broken down but I believe Primo may have had something to do with that.

Saul and I argued the whole way to the ceremony. We even discussed turning the car around and going back home and saying the hell with it. As we pulled up we couldn't find parking, and I was shocked to see my Aunt Mary motioning me to hurry up. It really meant a lot to me that she was there because everyone in my family was not able to appear because it was kind of last minute and they lived so far away.

Saul's family was always close and I would envy him for that because no matter how big of an ass he would be they always stood by him. So he was hurting at the moment because his people were not present for this big day and surprisingly someone from my side of the family came on top. I didn't have time to change into my white dress. I actually said my vows in a pink dress with my belly already popping out for show.

My little boy was the ring bearer and best man.  As Mary put the Vail on my head she told me the story of how my Aunt Patty was the first person to wear this Vail on her wedding day, then my mom, then my sister, and now me. I felt honored to be part of this family heirloom tradition and even though these women could not be here for this special occasion at least they could still be present in spirits. I felt very grateful at that moment.

We headed down the aisle with fifty other couples on Valentine's Day at the Botanical Gardens in Clearwater Florida. As I was staring into my soon to be husbands eyes and holding his hands tears started to flow as I said my vows,  "Through sickness and health till death do us part." Now looking back on that day I believe those vows meant the world to me. Unfortunately, they meant nothing to my husband. Actually, I believe now that the only reason why he married me is so he didn't have to get stuck paying child support, because as soon after he went and reported it to the State of Massachusetts and everything he paid out over the years for when Pat and I lived without him he received in back taxes and Pat and I never saw any of it.  This man had a plan, and it wasn't to love us, it was to screw us.

I wish I never married him because it was not worth the torture we endured. He promised we would live a better life down in Florida, he promised we would buy a home, he promised he would stop drinking and save that money to build a better future with a new baby. I foolishly believed all his promises, but none of this ever happened except for the baby.

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